Letters To The Editor, Opinion

Letters to the Editor: June 7, 2012

So sad
Dear Editor:
We have been blessed to have had the privilege to get to know George Henderson, his wife Kristen and their four wonderful sons. We have never met a more sincere Christian family. Our town is blessed to have had them here in Meeker for four years. They even bought a ranch, hoping to raise their family here. So sad!
We cannot believe the school board did not renew his contract for principal of the high school for the new year. And that without warning or reason. So sad!
One thing for sure, there seems to be people in this town who have no compassion or don’t care what could happen to a person let alone their family. Sorry to say that it seems like our town won’t be happy until it becomes a ghost town by running good people off with their self-righteousness and greed, getting money any way they can.
No wonder there are so many homes for sale here.
My husband and I have lived here for 16 years and we have seen a lot of special people leave because of their jobs being terminated and all because of stepping on someone who thinks they are more important than anyone else.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurzeika

Thank you
Dear Editor:
Thank you to the Meeker Golf Association, Jim and Debbie Cook and all of the sponsors and participants in the fifth and final Coach Bob Tucker Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament was designed to raise funds to build a sustainable scholarship to benefit graduating Meeker High School student athletes who demonstrate sportsmanship, integrity and upstanding character. Thanks to the generosity of many supporters, we will be able to provide the Coach Bob Tucker Scholarship to a number of students in future years.
The funds raised are held in the Colorado Trust Fund with the Meeker School District. We appreciate the staff in the Meeker School District who provide support for administering the scholarship.
The town of Meeker has been tremendous in supporting this event. Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated.
The Coach Bob Tucker Scholarship Committee

Eskelson support
Dear Editor:
Soon the voters of Rio Blanco County will have the opportunity to choose their selection for a Republican county commissioner in the primary election.
This is a critical time to elect commissioners that will provide an environment that will attract new and old business and provide a lifestyle attractive to those who desire to work, play, visit and/or live here. There are many negatives at the county level at this time: over-regulation and excessive fees have led to many of the energy and energy-supporting companies to sidestep, leave, or not consider Rio Blanco County as a viable business opportunity, as evidenced by the slowdown in business activity thereby providing less in county revenue, i.e. sales/use tax shortfalls.
There needs to be commissioners who understand corporate big business and the privately-owned business, who have not only received a paycheck but have written a paycheck. The commissioners need to monitor and streamline county expenditures to replicate a successful private enterprise business.
There needs to be transparency in county business. We see very little in our local newspaper, most pertinent information is published in the Craig or Glenwood papers telling what our commissioners are doing, meetings are largely scheduled Thursday night immediately after our local paper comes out, we get our paper sometimes on Friday afternoon if we are lucky and find that there has been a county meeting we should have been aware of on Thursday.
Jeff Eskelson grew up doing ranch and construction work, furthered his education, worked successfully in the corporate big business world, and has a successful private enterprise business in Meeker. Eskelson maintains honesty, integrity, strong work ethics and is willing to take time away from his business in order to remake Rio Blanco County into its former self where people and businesses desire to come, thrive, work and enjoy all that Rio Blanco County has to offer.
I believe Jeff Eskelson will make decisions at the local level that will enhance the future of our county.
By all means, exercise your rights, get out and vote.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Mantle

Vote Eskelson
Dear Editor:
I am writing this letter in support of Jeff Eskelson for county commissioner. Rio Blanco County is in need of accountability and a common sense approach to issues. We are also in need of a commissioner that will support small businesses and assist those trying to create jobs. I believe that Jeff is the candidate to get our county headed in the right direction; utilizing his past experiences in the oil and gas industry and as a small business owner. As a small business owner myself, my vote is going to Jeff Eskelson.
Marc Etchart
Meeker Fertilizer LLC

Turner support
Dear Editor:
The ballots have just recently been mailed out for the June 26 primary election. This election is about six weeks earlier in the year than it has been previously and perhaps some readers aren’t yet aware of the change. The change was made by Colorado’s legislature in response to a change in federal law.
What we do notice is that the political process is becoming more complicated, more partisan and less civil. Thankfully, Rio Blanco County is far enough from the beaten path that we don’t have the added negative influence of political action groups without ties to our county or our candidates. Well, almost. Today’s mail had fliers attacking both of our Senate District 8 candidates of harboring egregiously liberal bias, a view that could only be expressed by someone who knows nothing about them.
Colorado’s urban population, many of whom are new to our state, is increasingly in control of the political direction that we are taken. In a representative democracy that is just the way it goes. However, since term limits were passed 20 years ago this political leadership in Colorado has also become less knowledgeable and more prone to look at short term issues since any given politician won’t be in office that long. This is not all bad but it does leave us with a shortage of candidates with first-hand, in-depth knowledge of both the key issues and practical processes of government. Generally, it falls to the incumbents to provide the leadership after each election.
I am writing in support of two incumbents who have demonstrated their knowledge, understanding and leadership on issues which are important to Rio Blanco County. They are each completing their initial terms in office and have established leadership and shown good judgment along with a willingness to listen to and work hard on behalf of their constituents.
I am supporting state senator Jean White and county commissioner Kai Turner for reelection. I have observed them both at their jobs, working hard, diligently and often successfully to defend our local interests and improve our prospects for the future. There are numerous groups and forces outside of our county which do not have our best interests in mind as they seek new legislation and additional regulations. The leadership of these incumbents will serve us well in dealing with these issues. I hope that after examining their records you will support them as well.
Ken Parsons
Protecting resources
Dear Editor:
I’ve been  a business owner in Rio Blanco County for 38 years. I have seen many changes over the years and firmly believe that we as a county have not been headed in a direction that makes sense to the county as a whole and especially to those of us trying to build and better our businesses.
Economic times are tough enough without local government constantly throwing up roadblocks for businesses and citizens trying to succeed.
Water conservation/management and protecting natural resources is vital but if we don’t wake up and start trying to understand how to attract and maintain business growth as a county, we are in deep trouble.
I think the county commissioners need to lead this county in a direction better suited to business and a more taxpayer-friendly entity.  I believe that Jeff Eskelson is the candidate to help get us there.
Bill Hume

Respect for Eskelson
Dear Editor:
This is my first letter in the Herald Times, but I thought it was important to me and my family to give our point of view on the upcoming commissioner’s race.  First of all, I would like to congratulate all of the candidates, as it takes time and commitment to run for any public office.
That being said, I would like to put all our support towards Jeff Eskelson. I have great admiration for Jeff, seeing what he has accomplished in his business endeavors and knowing his appreciation for his family and solid roots.
Knowing what businesses Jeff has been involved in, and some of the hard calls and sacrifices he has had to deal with, reinforces my respect for Jeff and the respect I have for his business sense.  I’m sure that most Rio Blanco voters do not know that Jeff’s bow string business is one of the largest manufacturers of bow strings in the United States.
Truly, this is what we need in a county commissioner.  A person with business sense, a person with a background on dealing with people from a variation of jobs, and family/business man with responsibilities to his family, community and his employees.
Thank you for this opportunity and please keep in mind running a county is not so much different than having a successful business.  Making the right calls, listening to your constituents and if your decision is wrong, being flexible enough to change and do the right thing.  Last, but not least, in my opinion, being respected and being respectful.  These are the qualities that a county commissioner needs to have, and Jeff has them.
Angelo Theos

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  • There will be three cannon test shots fired downtown on Friday, May 3 as a test run for the 4th of July. For more information on the cannon itself, visit https://www.theheraldtimes.com/the-sound-of-history-come-to-life/meeker/
  • As the saying goes, "Small towns are the natural habitat of the drama llama."
  • Feel like you're always "putting out fires" instead of doing the important things? https://www.theheraldtimes.com/editors-column-differentiating-the-urgent-from-the-important/opinion/
  • A Celebration of Life will be held by the family "when the weather warms up and the work is all done this spring," according to Kay's wishes.
  • Three finalists for county administrator were interviewed by the commissioners last Tuesday. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/commissioners-interview-administrator-candidates/rio-blanco-county/
  • The RBC Livestock Judging team competed in Sterling. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/rbc-livestock-judging-team-earns-multiple-awards-in-sterling/rio-blanco-county/
  • MHS Drama presented "Emma: A Pop Musical" for its spring performance in April, to rave reviews. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/another-stellar-performance-by-mhs-drama-program/meeker/
  • The Meeker Mustang Makeover of 2024 kicks off on Saturday with pick-up day. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/from-scared-to-paired-mustang-journey-starts-saturday/rio-blanco-county/
There will be three cannon test shots fired downtown on Friday, May 3 as a test run for the 4th of July. For more information on the cannon itself, visit https://www.theheraldtimes.com/the-sound-of-history-come-to-life/meeker/
There will be three cannon test shots fired downtown on Friday, May 3 as a test run for the 4th of July. For more information on the cannon itself, visit https://www.theheraldtimes.com/the-sound-of-history-come-to-life/meeker/
2 hours ago
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As the saying goes, "Small towns are the natural habitat of the drama llama."
As the saying goes, "Small towns are the natural habitat of the drama llama."
1 day ago
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Feel like you're always "putting out fires" instead of doing the important things? https://www.theheraldtimes.com/editors-column-differentiating-the-urgent-from-the-important/opinion/
Feel like you're always "putting out fires" instead of doing the important things? https://www.theheraldtimes.com/editors-column-differentiating-the-urgent-from-the-important/opinion/
2 days ago
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A Celebration of Life will be held by the family "when the weather warms up and the work is all done this spring," according to Kay's wishes.
A Celebration of Life will be held by the family "when the weather warms up and the work is all done this spring," according to Kay's wishes.
2 days ago
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Three finalists for county administrator were interviewed by the commissioners last Tuesday. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/commissioners-interview-administrator-candidates/rio-blanco-county/
Three finalists for county administrator were interviewed by the commissioners last Tuesday. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/commissioners-interview-administrator-candidates/rio-blanco-county/
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The RBC Livestock Judging team competed in Sterling. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/rbc-livestock-judging-team-earns-multiple-awards-in-sterling/rio-blanco-county/
The RBC Livestock Judging team competed in Sterling. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/rbc-livestock-judging-team-earns-multiple-awards-in-sterling/rio-blanco-county/
3 days ago
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4 days ago
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MHS Drama presented "Emma: A Pop Musical" for its spring performance in April, to rave reviews. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/another-stellar-performance-by-mhs-drama-program/meeker/
MHS Drama presented "Emma: A Pop Musical" for its spring performance in April, to rave reviews. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/another-stellar-performance-by-mhs-drama-program/meeker/
4 days ago
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The Meeker Mustang Makeover of 2024 kicks off on Saturday with pick-up day. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/from-scared-to-paired-mustang-journey-starts-saturday/rio-blanco-county/
The Meeker Mustang Makeover of 2024 kicks off on Saturday with pick-up day. https://www.theheraldtimes.com/from-scared-to-paired-mustang-journey-starts-saturday/rio-blanco-county/
4 days ago
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